Prospector Association Board of Directors
Chairman of the Board: Rob Amerine
President: John Autry
Vice President: Karole Campbell
Treasurer: Steve Dufaud
Secretary: Karen Heun
Board members present: Rob Amerine, John Autry, Karole Campbell, Steve Dufaud, Karen Heun, Neil Arthur, Randy Geving, Bob Goss, Ty Taylor, Heather Smith, Chris Waldron, Rick Ward
Absent: None
Quorum: Yes
Discussion and Action:
Attendance: Everyone seems to be doing well with the exception of BBB and America 2000. Karole Campbell to reach out to Carla Wink at the BBB to follow up and Randy Geving to follow with Jim Martin. The board feels that it would be a good idea to call members when they are missing for 2 meetings in a row, to check in.
An informational meeting was held with the members to go over a proposed raise in quarterly dues. It is necessary to cover expenses of the group for the website as well as the cost of breakfast increasing. Karole Campbell made a motion to increase quarterly dues to $300.00 starting the 4th quarter of 2023. The motion was seconded by Randy Geving. All voting members of the board agreed.
Outstanding dues for Cesar Quinones. Steve spoke to Cesar who said he would be paying the outstanding dues.
Rob Amerine spoke with Matthew Palis about the website updates. Quote was received and it was proposed to pay half of the bid upfront and credit the remainder to Matthew’s dues. Karole Campbell made a motion to approve the proposal and pay half of the bid upfront and credit the remainder to Matthew’s dues. The motion was seconded by John Autry and all voting members agreed. Rob to get the official invoice for Steve Dufaud to issue the payment.
We received some very sad news that Tim Donegan’s wife passed away on September 2nd. A memorial service is to be held at the end of October. Karen to pick up a couple of cards for the membership to sign at the next meeting.
Our next meeting will be October 17, 2023.