Prospector Association Board of Directors
Chairman of the Board: Rob Amerine
President: John Autry
Vice President: Karole Campbell
Treasurer: Steve Dufaud
Secretary: Karen Heun
Board members present: Rob Amerine, John Autry, Karole Campbell, Steve Dufaud, Karen Heun, Neil Arthur, Bob Goss, Ty Taylor, Bud Bandfield, Greg Jones
Absent: Randy Geving, Brian Bennett
Guest: Tom Perkins
Quorum: Yes
Discussion and Action:
Attendance and Membership:
John asked about the rule for dual memberships within the members of the group. The bylaws state “It is preferred that Members shall not belong to any other business leads/referral organizations, as membership in such other organizations is deemed to be inconsistent with the above-stated purposes of the Association. However, the limitation shall not apply to Members who already belong to another leads/referral group(s) on the effective date of this Amendment, but those Members shall nonetheless be subject to the remainder of these Bylaws.” Further discussion stated that if an applicant was a member of another leads/referral group and had competition for the open slot within the group, the applicant without a membership in another lead/referral group would have preference.
John Autry brought up some upcoming absences that will be excused. Terry Williams will be out due to work obligations, travel, and knee surgery. Eileen Wolf will attend when she is able. Terry expects to return on the 10th or the 17th depending on his recovery. John Autry made a motion to approve the Leave of Absence, seconded by Rob Amerine. All voting members present approved the motion. Motion carried.
John Autry interview Ray Whitcomb and feels he would be a great new addition to Prospectors. After discussing the interview, Karole Campbell made a motion to approve his membership, seconded by Rob Amerine. All voting members present approved the motion. Motion carried.
Maxwell Weiss with Easy BnB will be interviewed today by Karole Campbell and Bud Bandfield.
Other Business:
There have been quite a few new changes to the groups roster. It was brought up by Greg Jones that we probably need to update the Tri-Fold. John Autry said he would reach out to Mike Bucher to find out details on how often we should update it.
The website continues to be a work in progress. Karen has been able to upload the photographs taken by Chris Waldron but there are still quite a few missing. The meeting with the members today went over how to update your information on the website and let the members know that Chris Waldron will do free portraits of the members for that purpose. Karen will be in contact with Matt Palis as more needs surface.
Our next meeting will be March 21, 2023.