Board Minutes

Board Minutes

Board Minutes

June 18, 2024

Prospector Association Board of Directors
Chairman of the Board: John Autry
President: Karole Campbell
Vice President: Bob Goss
Treasurer: Steve Dufaud
Secretary: Karen Heun

Board Members Present: John Autry, Bob Goss, Steve Dufaud, Karen Heun, Jessica Duru, Ty Taylor, Heather Smith, Rick Ward

Absent: Karole Campbell, Gentry Copelin, Tom Perkins, Chris Waldron

Quorum: Yes

Discussion and Action:

New Member Interview: 

Bob Goss spoke to members with a potential service conflict with Dave Hammond of Window Covering Gallery. They felt as long as he does not conduct the overlapping services that he would be a good fit for the group. A motion to approve his membership was made by Jessica Duru with a second by Heather Smith. All voting members present approved. Bob Goss to follow up with Dave and let him know the good news.

Arrow Moving & Storage doesn’t have a representative attending since Dave Ottoes sold the business. The caught up their dues. Karen Heun reached out to the owner who decided that they would discontinue their membership and rejoin at a later date if it made sense. They requested to be contacted if another company showed interest in joining which was declined by Karen, we will not be reaching out if another company applies offering similar services as they are in another networking group.

Our next meeting will be July 16, 2024.