July 16, 2024
Prospector Association Board of Directors
Chairman of the Board: John Autry
President: Karole Campbell
Vice President: Bob Goss
Treasurer: Steve Dufaud
Secretary: Karen Heun
Board Members Present: Karole Campbell, Bob Goss, Steve Dufaud, Karen Heun, Jessica Duru, Gentry Copelin, Tom Perkins, Ty Taylor, Blair Burns, Shelly Shepard, Stewart.
Absent: John Autry
Quorum: Yes
Discussion and Action:
New Member Interview:
Interview was conducted by the board of directors with Tyler Shull of PineBreeze Home Solutions, LLC. Tyler’s business is Radon Mitigation. He is sponsored by Steve Dufaud. After discussing his application Shelly Shepard made a motion to approve his membership which was seconded by Ty Taylor. All voting members present approved. Karen Heun to reach out to Tyler and let him know.
John Autry has requested a leave of absence until our first meeting in September due to conflicting meetings at work. Bob Goss made a motion to approve the LOA with request to send a substitute if possible. Jessica Duru seconded the motion and all voting members approved. Bob Goss will reach out to him to see if he has a substitute to attend in his absence.
Our next meeting will be August 20, 2024.