Rob Reinmuth
Acquire Homes Realtor - Real Estate
About Me
When in College I thought I was called into the ministry and was majoring in religion. Being a pastor in a church and serving others was the goal. However, it turns out that God had something else planned. You see, serving people and doing ministry does not have to be a paid position. The church needs business people outside of the church. So, I went into the banking industry and started investing in real estate in 1989. After establishing myself as a professional real estate investor, I quit my banking job in 2001, and became a Realtor. The first year in real estate I sold 12 homes. The second year was 24 homes. I loved what I was doing and was inspired to start a Real Estate Firm. I am the founder and owner of Acquire Homes, Inc. and have now sold and negotiated over 1,000 homes. I was inducted into the Elite 25 in 2017, and still meet the expectations and sales every year to maintain a position in the Elite 25 each year. I still believe in ministry. I still believe in serving people. I believe that my clients’ homes are their greatest investments. I have a team of 6 that helps me give exceptional service to my clients. Oh, and I created a youtube channel called “Old Guy Reactionsâ€. That will show you what my personality is outside of real estate. Here is my Personal Real Estate Youtube Channel: Allow me to serve you!