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Steve Dufaud

American Battery Corp. Owner

About Me

I grew up in a military family with 2 brothers and 2 sisters. We moved to Colorado Springs in 1976 where I went to Air Academy Jr High and Air Academy High School. I attended the United States Air Force Academy and graduated as a 2nd Lt in 1987. I married my wife, Lisa, three days after graduation. We were stationed at Minot AFB, ND, flying B-52s. I was a Line Crew Navigator, an Instructor Navigator, Radar Navigator, Instructor Radar Navigator and a Staff Planner. Lisa and I have 3 kids that were all born in Minot. The oldest was Chad born 1990, Bryan born 1992 and Brittany born 1993. Lisa and I left the Air Force in 1994 to help Dad and Mom run American Battery Corporation. In 1997, Steve and his brother Brad opened a second store in Pueblo that Brad operates. My father Pete became a member of Prospectors Association in 1983, when he and my mom opened American Battery Corporation. He really enjoyed his time in Prospectors. I began regularly attending Prospectors in 2011. I was a Vice President in 2012 and President in 2012. In 2014, I became the Treasurer, a duty I really enjoy. Our kids are all thriving. As of this posting, Chad is working in the Bio Science field in the Boston area. My youngest is close to graduating with a degree in the Dental Hygienist field. Our middle child, Bryan, started working at American Battery Corporation in Apr 2020. It is very exciting to have the 3rd generation working here after my dad opened 40 years ago! I can see him taking over one day. I have made many good friends and members that help my business while being a part of Prospectors Association. I hope I have helped others along the way. It is nice to have a good, reliable business you can recommend to others – and you can count on that with any member. We really take care of each other.

Business Phone: 7195789121


Battery Supplier
